347 Schaeffer Hall
Twitter: @ProfHagle
Spring 2025 Office Hours
Tue & Th: 4:45-6:15
Mailing Address
Dept of Political Science
341 Schaeffer Hall
20 E. Washington Street
The University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa 52242
Posted updated Prelaw FAQ for UI students
New Book, Riding the Caucus Rollercoaster 2024, published in paperback and for Kindle devices.
Posted updates to 12 papers in Iowa Voting Series for 2022 election data
New Book, Supreme Court Agenda Setting: The Warren Court, published for Kindle devices and computers with Kindle reader.
Published updated and expanded edition of Prelaw Advisor in paperback and for Kindle readers
My books
Below are links to the books that I require and recommend for POLI:3121 The Judicial Process. The links are to the most recent editions on Amazon.com, but other editions or versions may be available there or from other places. I will provide more details on the books in class.
See the Courses page for an updated list as there have been some new editions for these books and widgets will stop working on 4/1/22.
There are four required books for this course. The first two listed below are for substantive purposes the second two are for reference purposes.
The first required book is Baum's, The Supreme Court.
Older editions of Baum's book (14th, 13th, and 12th) are also acceptable. I'll discuss this more in class.
The second required book by Carp, Manning, Holmes, and Stidham is Judicial Process in America. Again, older editions (11th and 10th) are also fine.
You will need a law dictionary for the course. The one below is the one I ordered for the course, but there are alternatives that I will discuss in class.
A good writing style is important in the law (and elsewhere). Requirements for the paper assignment will follow the guidelines in Strunk and White's book, The Elements of Style.
The list of recommended books for this course is rather long. This is because different books may be useful for the paper assignment depending on what topic is selected. Some of these books are out of print, though there still may be links available through Amazon.com to used versions. I didn't specifically order these through either Iowa Book or the Hawk Shop, but all the recommended books (even if there isn't a link below) are on reserve at the main library.