347 Schaeffer Hall
Twitter: @ProfHagle
Spring 2025 Office Hours
Tue & Th: 4:45-6:15
Mailing Address
Dept of Political Science
341 Schaeffer Hall
20 E. Washington Street
The University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa 52242
Posted updated Prelaw FAQ for UI students
New Book, Riding the Caucus Rollercoaster 2024, published in paperback and for Kindle devices.
Posted updates to 12 papers in Iowa Voting Series for 2022 election data
New Book, Supreme Court Agenda Setting: The Warren Court, published for Kindle devices and computers with Kindle reader.
Published updated and expanded edition of Prelaw Advisor in paperback and for Kindle readers
My books
As the title indicates, this course focuses on the judicial process, more specifically, the American judicial process. We will pay primary attention to the United States Supreme Court because it is the most important of our courts, and because more data and information are available about its activities and procedures. Most broadly, we will be concerned with what courts do, why, and how. To these ends, we will view courts as organizations; point out differences among courts; and relate courts to the larger political system and the society of which they are a part.
There will be several texts for the course. Some will be required, some will be highly recommended, and some will be recommended for additional or background reading. There will also be a required course pack containing additional information. All the books and some additional materials will be on reserve at the main library.
The format of the course will primarily be a combination of lecture and discussion. Grades will be based on two multiple choice tests and a 10-page paper.
Because I now make extensive use of these web pages and regular email in my courses, all students in the course will need to have an active email account. See the email info page for more details.