347 Schaeffer Hall
Twitter: @ProfHagle
Fall 2024 Office Hours
Tue & Th: 4:45-6:15
Mailing Address
Dept of Political Science
341 Schaeffer Hall
20 E. Washington Street
The University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa 52242
Posted updated Prelaw FAQ for UI students
New Book, Riding the Caucus Rollercoaster 2024, published in paperback and for Kindle devices.
Posted updates to 12 papers in Iowa Voting Series for 2022 election data
New Book, Supreme Court Agenda Setting: The Warren Court, published for Kindle devices and computers with Kindle reader.
Published updated and expanded edition of Prelaw Advisor in paperback and for Kindle readers
My books
Lawyers in the American Political System will introduce students to several topics and issues related to the roles of lawyers and the legal community in the development of the law and more generally the American political system. The course will introduce and discuss a variety of topics such as legal education and culture, types of lawyers and legal jobs, how lawyers influence the law (including how different types of lawyers influence the law in different ways), and how lawyers influence public policy and political institutions. Also included will be discussions and demonstrations on how to use internet resources to keep abreast of legal developments (court decisions, advocacy projects, etc.).
The format of the course will be primarily discussion with short lectures on various topics. There will be a weekly discussion on current law-related events. Students will be evaluated on class participation, short essays, a paper, and possibly a presentation.